The matter of financial wealth.

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For some of us, money seems to be a security, but at the same time we can feel insecure. And for others, money means a fulfilling life, but at the same time they feel unhappy. In this episode, we will focus on the importance of distinguishing between the meaning of money and how we deal with it as especially in the spiritual field financial wealth is seen as an obstacle to one's own progress. ` Questions that often go hand in hand with this are for example 'Can I allow myself to be financially rich if I want to remain spiritual', 'Doesn't money spoil my character' or 'Is being wealthy bad for my spiritual practice?’
These questions come from a primitive and old fashioned concept of poverty and richness as it depends on the user of any kind of wealth and not of the possessions. Therefore, our intention is to shed light on the matter of financial wealth.

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